Sunday, May 10, 2020

Reality Check Time

So every hour new cases of the world virus increase. More dying every day. Governments & financial institutions across the world are trying to offer aid, grants, packages, assistance, guidance, interest-free loans, deferrals, trying to pretend it's only short term. But it is only a Band-Aid. Until a cure is found, the reality is, this world virus is only going to get worse for a lot longer. People have to 'suck it up, toughen up', and help one another. I wonder how many of today's population could survive the hardships of our forefathers who had no internet, no cell phones, no Uber, no grocery store delivery, no govt. bailouts, no welfare, no social assistance, no agencies to complain too they just sucked it up and did it any way they could, just so they could survive.
Batten down the hatches folks; this could easily be the new norm for a lot longer than anyone thought possible.

Bad people, Very possible.
Scams, Very possible.
Theft, Very possible.
The list goes on.

Smarten up. Toughen up. Be a good person.
Help your fellow man, do not be selfish, do not hoard food or supplies, do not steal, do not cheat, do not be a burden.
The SUN WILL RISE TOMORROW regardless of what else is happening around the globe. Think positive. Instill positive vibes.
Distribute positive input, attitude, and behavior.

 Grove Oak Church 

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