Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Christian view of retirement

As Christians approach retirement age, we often wonder what a Christian should do during the retirement years. Do Christians retire from Christian service when they retire from the workplace?

1) There is no biblical principle that a person should or should not retire from his or her work when you reach a certain age; there is an example of the Levites and their work in the tabernacle. In (Numbers 4), the Levite males are numbered for service in the tabernacle from ages 25-50 years old, and after age 50, they were to retire from regular service. They could continue to “assist their brothers” but could not continue to work (Numbers 8:24-26).

2) Even though we may retire from our vocations (even “full-time” Christian ministry); we should never retire from serving the Lord, although the way we serve Him may change. There is an example of two very old people (Luke 2:25-38) (Simeon and Anna) who continued to serve the Lord faithfully. Anna was an elderly widow who ministered in the temple daily with fasting and prayer. (Titus 2) states that older men and women are to teach, by example, younger men and women how to live.

3) One’s older years are not to be spent solely in the pursuit of pleasure. Paul says that the widow who lives for pleasure is dead while she yet lives (1 Timothy 5:6). Contrary to biblical instruction, many people equate retirement with “pursuit of pleasure” if possible. This does not say that retirees cannot enjoy golf, social functions, or pleasurable pursuits. However, these should not be the primary focus of one’s life at any age.

4) (2 Corinthians 12:14) states that the parent ought to save up for the children. The greatest thing to “save up” is one’s spiritual heritage, which can be passed on to children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. The faithful prayers of an elderly family “patriarch” or “matriarch” have affected generations of descendants. Prayer is perhaps the most fruitful ministry outlet for those who have retired.

The Christian never retires from Christ’s service; they only change the address of their workplace. As one reaches “retirement age”, (whatever that is) the vocation may change but one’s life work of serving the Lord does not change. Often these “senior saints” are able to convey the truths of God’s Word by relating how God has worked in their lives. 

The psalmist’s prayer should be our prayer as we age: “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, O God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your might to all who are to come” (Psalm 71:18).

 Grove Oak Church 

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