Wednesday, April 22, 2020

What is the gospel?

We need more precision in teaching so we may teach people the truth. Here are some points:

1) The gospel is not anything that a believer does, but is in what another person did Jesus Christ.

2) Jesus is the gospel: What does that mean? The gospel begins and ends with the person and nature of Jesus as God and man. You can say whatever else you want but if you deny this fact you do not have the gospel of God.

3) His nature and person as God is what qualifies Him to Accomplish salvation. Salvation is of the Lord and Jesus is Lord and His being God and man is what qualifies Him to be Savior.

4) His work of salvation is the gospel because it is an accomplished and perfected work and it is an accomplished and perfected work because He is God and sinless man. The work of Christ cannot be improved upon or dismissed.

5) The gospel then is Jesus and His FINISHED and Perfect work of making full justification, full redemption, full propitiation, full payment, full adoption, full reconciliation, full sanctification of God's people by Him having assumed the LIABILITY and OBLIGATIONS of their sin before the Holy and righteous Law of God.

6) Whatever happens in the person who comes to Christ is a RESPONSE to the gospel and not a completion of the gospel. Faith, repentance-conversion are EFFECTS and not CAUSES of the gospel. The one who responds to the gospel call is saved not because they were diligent in faith and repentance but because Christ saved them. Jesus and His work are the cause of their repentance and faith.

7) The response that the Gospel demands from a sinner is 100% supplied by the same FINISHED WORK of Jesus Christ. Faith and repentance are required responses from the message of the gospel this Faith is a gift of God it is not found naturally in the sinner. Repentance is a gift from God it is not found naturally in the sinner. God grants faith and repentance to His elect so they will respond to the gospel. Faith and repentance are Prepaid in Christ.

8) IF faith and repentance are conditions of making salvation complete then NONE will be saved, for none has perfect faith or perfect repentance. However, faith and repentance look to the One who is perfect and accomplished our Salvation the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grove Oak Church 

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